At LINC 2025 we offered the opportunity to submit abstracts of scientific work, as well as challenging cases and complications. The accepted abstracts were presented as electronic posters during LINC.
The presenting authors gave a five minute oral presentation which was judged by an international and multidisciplinary jury. The following poster were chosen as the winner for this year‘s awards.
“Apixaban vs clopidoGRel on a background of aspirin in patient undergoing InfraPoPliteal Angioplasty for critical limb ischemia. A randomized clinical trial – AGGRIPA trial” of Prof. Rodrigo Biagioni, Sao Paulo, Brazil
“Intravascular ultrasound-guided reentry wiring with tip-detection technique for chronic total occlusion of lower extremity artery disease” of Dr. Naoki Hayakawa, Asahi, Japan