LINC 2020 programme

LINC 2020, the Leipzig Interventional Course, 
featured state-of-the-art lectures and numerous live cases have been
performed from leading interventional centers.

LINC 2020 will take place from Tuesday, 28 January through Friday, 31 January 2020.


All authorized presentations are available here.
Select a session, click on the title to expand it,
click on the pdf icon to open the file.

LINC 2020 programme

Find all topics and speakers listed below.

Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

16 events
  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange


    Dierk Scheinert, Michael Lichtenberg
    Rupert Bauersachs, Erwin Blessing
    1. -

      Welcome remarks – addressing unmet needs in CLI – President of the German Angiology Society, DGA

        Michael Lichtenberg
    2. -

      CLI is a threat to life and limb!

        Katja Mühlberg
    3. -

      Endovascular first for CLI

        Dierk Scheinert
    4. -

      RECCORD registry – healthcare research from daily routine practice

        Ralf Langhoff, Via satellite from Berlin
    5. -

      Use of atherectomy in CLI patients – current evidence

        Erwin Blessing
    6. -

      Optimal antithrombotics in CLI

        Rupert Bauersachs
    7. -

      Diabetic foot infection

        Holger Lawall
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    CLI-Therapies-LINCed: Multidisciplinary case studies from centres of excellence. Tailored strategies on revascularisation and wound management

    Steven Kum, Peter Schneider
    Roberto Ferraresi, Marco Manzi
    1. -

      Optimising the SFA in CLI

        Arne Schwindt
    2. -

      BAD (Big Artery Disease) and SAD (Small Artery Disease) – an appraisal of the challenges in CLI revascularisation

        Roberto Ferraresi
    3. -

      Angiosome interpretation – what to open, how many to open, when to stop

        Osamu Iida
    4. -

      Learn to cross like a pro – tricks from an Italian maestro

        Marco Manzi
    5. -

      Therapeutic solutions for BAD in CLI

        George Adams
    6. -

      Therapeutic solutions for SAD in CLI

        Tatsuya Nakama
    7. -

      Making CLI interventions pain free – how to administer a popliteal nerve anaesthesia before an intervention

        Steven Kum
    8. -

      Managing CLI wounds – 7 min pearls for the interventionlist from a wound care specialist

        Giacomo Clerici
    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Steps forward in changing BTK standard of care with bioresorbable scaffolds

    Brian DeRubertis, Sahil Parikh
    Steven Kum, Ramon Varcoe, Atman Shah
    1. -


    2. -

      Bioresorbable scaffolds to treat patients with complex CLTI – 12-month results of the DISAPEAR study

        Steven Kum
    3. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: 2-year results of bioresorbable scaffold for the treatment of patients with complex infrapopliteal arterial disease

        Atman Shah
    4. -

      Long terms results and glimpse into the future with bioresorbable scaffolds for BTK

        Ramon Varcoe
    5. -

      Discussion, question, answers

    6. -

      Taking home message

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    CCT@LINC: Advanced endovascular therapy in Japan – pre-recorded live cases

    Giancarlo Biamino, Kazushi Urasawa
    Hideyuki Takimura
    1. -

      Video live and lecture

        Michinao Tan
    2. -

      Video live and lecture

        Tatsuya Nakama
    3. -

      Video live and lecture

        Naoki Hayakawa
    4. -

      Video live and lecture

        Yoshinori Tsubakimoto
    5. -

      Video live and lecture

        Hiroshi Ando
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Deep dive session: Lower limb interventions (part I)

    Thomas Zeller, Osamu Iida
    Stanislaw Bartus
    1. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center

    3. -

      Propensity-matched analysis in claudicants treated with a drug- coated balloon vs. PTA: 5-year mortality outcomes from a real-world study

        Giovanni Torsello
    4. -

      Durability, safety, and efficacy of a drug-coated balloon for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease in the SFA

        Osamu Iida
    5. -

      IN.PACT global study 4-year outcomes

        Thomas Zeller
    6. -

      Results of the Illumenate EU-Global 3-year results

        Thomas Zeller
    7. -

      12-month full cohort analysis from the KANSHAS 1 study of the novel KANSHAS drug-coated balloon for treatment of femoropopliteal occlusive disease

        Michael Lichtenberg
    8. -

      Prestige pilot: Phoenix atherectomy and Stellarex DCB clinical investigation in infrapopliteal interventions

        Michael Lichtenberg

    10. -

      Trans-radial artery access for lower limb interventions: Will dedicated new tools making this approach the future standard of care?

        Ramon Varcoe
    11. -

      Retrograde crossing of peripheral occlusions: Long-term results and outcome predictors

        Stanislaw Bartus
    12. -

      AMBUVASC: A RCT comparing conventional vs. ambulatory of endovascular procedures of lower extremity peripheral artery disease

        Yann Gouëffic, Via satellite from Paris
    13. -

      Dissections: Do they matter and how can they be managed?

        Thomas Zeller
    14. -

      The versatility of directonal atherectomy to address challenges of multi-level disease in CLI

        Konstantinos Stavroulakis
    15. -

      Combination therapy to optimize your outcomes when treating SFA disease: Valuable tools to get the job done

    16. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Controversies and best practices for successful iliofemoral venous stenting outcomes

    Rick de Graaf
    Michael Lichtenberg, Stephen Black, Marta Ramírez Ortega
    1. -


        Rick de Graaf
    2. -

      Stent shape is most important in achieving successful clinical outcomes

        Michael Lichtenberg
    3. -

      Stent conformibility is most important in achieving successful clinical outcomes

        Stephen Black
    4. -

      Maximizing clinical outcomes through optimizing post prodcedural care

        Rick de Graaf
    5. -

      Clinical outcomes of the Zilver Vena™ stent in a private practice setting

        Marta Ramírez Ortega
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Deep dive session: Lower limb interventions (part II)

    George Adams, Erwin Blessing
    Miguel Montero-Baker, Marc Bosiers, Steven Kum
    1. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center

    3. -

      First-in-man experience with the MotiV Bioresorbable scaffold in below-the-knee arteries

        Michel Bosiers
    4. -

      Treating CLI patients with drug-coated balloons: 12-month outcomes from a real-world study

        Jorge Cuenca
    5. -

      Patterns of calcification in BTK arteries

        Jihad Mustapha
    6. -

      Use of directional atherectomy where stenting is not an option

        Giovanni Torsello
    7. -

      Hybrid atherectomy: 1-year results from a real-world study

        Miguel Montero-Baker
    8. -

      Comparison of procedural and long-term clinical outcomes in critical limb ischemia patients following endovascular treatment in the LIBERTY 360 study

        George Adams
    9. -

      12-month results of the DISAPEAR registry of BVS in CLI from Singapore

        Steven Kum
  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    CCT@LINC – Various techniques to recanalise CTO

    Ralf Langhoff, Kazushi Urasawa
    1. -

      Duplex ultrasound guided wire

        Michinao Tan
    2. -

      Role of below-the-ankle intervention

        Tatsuya Nakama
    3. -

      Asahi style for complex lesions

        Naoki Hayakawa
    4. -

      Various EVT techniques for long SFA CTOs

        Yoshinori Tsubakimoto
    5. -

      Distal punctures and related techniques

        Hiroshi Ando
    6. -

      Question and answers

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Lunch symposium: Achieving quality & predictable outcomes in treatment of venous thromboembolism

    Nils Kucher
    Mert Dumantepe, Stefan Stortecky
    1. -


    2. -

      How to achieve only 6% PTS in the treatment of acute DVT. What device to use when?

        Nils Kucher
    3. -

      Treatment of chronic DVT with EKOS™: Reproducing ACCESS PTS data in everyday clinical practice

        Mert Dumantepe
    4. -

      Effective treatment for high risk and intermediate-high risk pulmonary embolism patients with Acoustic Pulse Thrombolysis™: Data from Bern

        Stefan Stortecky
    5. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Deep dive session: Venous interventions (part I) Focus on diagnosis of venous obstructions, crossing of venous occlusions, and thrombus removal

    Robert Lookstein, Nils Kucher
    Stephen Black, Erin Murphy
    1. -

      Well-recognized venographic signs of significant iliac vein compression in asymptomatic young volunteers

        Rick de Graaf
    2. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: IVUS vs. fluoroscopic guided recanalisation for iliofemoral obstruction: Effective option to reduce radiation exposure during intervention

        Michael Lichtenberg
    3. -

      Overlap syndromes in leg swelling, special focus on elevated central venous pressure

        Raghu Kolluri
    4. -

      The role of CT and MRI imaging for planning of venous procedures

        Nils Kucher
    5. -

      Meta-analysis on thrombolysis vs. mechanical thrombectomy for iliofemoral DVT: Safety concerns should stop CDT

        Michael Lichtenberg
    6. -

      Optimal techniques for single session pharmaco-mechanical thrombectomy of acute deep vein thrombosis using the 8 french Rheolytic thrombectomy catheter

        Robert Lookstein
    7. -

      Safety, procedural success, and outcome of the Aspirex.S endovascular thrombectomy system in the treatment of iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis: Data from the Aspirex registry

        Michael Lichtenberg
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Symposium: Aspirex®S in iliofemoral DVT: New evidence from multiple centres

    Michael Lichtenberg
    Romaric Loffroy, Bruno Freitas
    1. -

      P-MAX study: Iliofemoral DVT. Safety and performance update from the Arnsberg cohort

        Michael Lichtenberg
    2. -

      Aspirex®S in iliofemoral DVT: The Dijon experience

        Romaric Loffroy
    3. -

      Aspirex®S in iliofemoral DVT: The Maceio experience

        Bruno Freitas
  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Deep dive session: Venous interventions (part II) Focus on venous stenting

    Rick de Graaf, Houman Jalaie
    Tim Sebastian, Matthias Ulrich
    1. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Unique challenges of iliofemoral venous obstruction: Need for venous stents with 50 year durability testing

        Stephen Black
    2. -

      Technical properties of nitinol: The ideal alloy for venous stenting

        Erin Murphy
    3. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Impact of stent structure on venous flow

        Houman Jalaie
    4. -

      New stent design for below the inguinal ligament: The Blueflow venous stent

        Michael Lichtenberg
    5. -

      Abre™ IDE study: Overview of baseline demographics

        Erin Murphy
    6. -

      Abre™ venous self expanding stent system procedure video

        Stephen Black
    7. -

      Predictors for patency rate and clinical improvement after iliofemoral venous recanalisation: A 228 patient cohort analysis

        Michael Lichtenberg
    8. -

      24-month patency rates and clinical results of the SINUS OBLIQUUS® venous stent: Data from the Arnsberg venous registry

        Michael Lichtenberg
    9. -

      Anticoagulation after ilio-femoral intervention

        Raghu Kolluri
    10. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Deep dive session: Venous interventions (part III) Focus on complex venous procedures

    Nils Kucher, Raghu Kolluri
    Tobias Hirsch, Karin Brachmann
    1. -

      Reconstruction of the inferior vena cava using dedicated iliofemoral venous stents: Single center experience

        Robert Lookstein
    2. -

      5 year data of acrylate treatment using Venaseal

        Tobias Hirsch
    3. -

      A Singapore Venaseal real world post-market evaluation study (ASVS)

        Tjun Yip Tang
    4. -

      VENCLOSE™ – clinical experiences with a new radiofrequency ablation catheter

        Anina Lukhaup
    5. -

      Case study highlighting patients with various venous disorders – what is the referral, diagnostics, and treatment pathway in the US

        Paul Rochon
    6. -

      Venous ulcer – care pathway in 2020

        Raghu Kolluri
    7. -

      Hybrid venous interventions: it doesn’t stop there

        Rick de Graaf
    8. -

      Review of treatment techniques for various presentations of AVMs

        Paul Rochon
    9. -

      Onyx vs. other liquid embolic agents for AVM treatment

        Walter Wohlgemuth
    10. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Special course for nurses and technicians: Current concepts and new approaches in endovascular interventions. Step-by-step review of techniques and data by leading interventional experts

    Sabine Steiner, Miguel Montero-Baker

    2. -

      Latest techniques for crossing of aortoiliac occlusions

        Axel Fischer

    4. -

      The controversy about Paclitaxel coated devices – latest evidence

        William Gray
    5. -

      The retrograde approach for complex femoropopliteal and BTK obstructions

        Axel Fischer
    6. -

      Vessel preparation in the SFA before PTA or Stenting – the role of optimal balloon angioplasty, high pressure and focal force balloons

        Erwin Blessing
    7. -

      Rotational and directional atherectomy devices: What works in which lesion?

        Prakash Krishnan
    8. -

      DES vs. DCB in femoral arteries – what works best?

        Sabine Steiner

    10. -

      Calcification in BTK arteries and recanalization techniques for CTOs

        Jihad Mustapha
    11. -

      The role of stents and scaffolds in BTK vessels

        Ramon Varcoe
    12. -

      The concept of deep venous arterialization for end-stage CLI – current status

        Steven Kum
    13. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Focus session: Advanced imaging concepts for guidance of peripheral recanalisation procedures

    Jos van den Berg, Katja Mühlberg
    1. -

      Angiography alone in the lower limb: First results comparing IVUS and angiography in the leg

        Konstantinos Stavroulakis
    2. -

      Towards using tissue oxygen measurements across the continuum of care for CLI management

        Miguel Montero-Baker
    3. -

      The use of OCT in peripheral interventions: Can the Clarity of this imaging system provide better, safer outcomes? Opportunities of real-time 3D ultrasound using XL14-3 for guiding intervention in vascular disease

        Henrik Sillesen
    4. -

      Value of current parameters of hemodynamic adjustment of CLI patients

        Peter Schneider
    5. -

      Imaging the terra icognita of PAD: The microcirculation

        Jim A. Reekers
    6. -

      Blood volume measurements in critical foot ischemia during interventional revascularisation: Can we predict the outcome?

        Peter Huppert
    7. -

      Intraprocedural perfusion monitoring during lower extremity revascularisation: Outcomes from a novel system

        Mahmood Razavi
    8. -

      Use of hyperspectral imaging to determine CLI and the effect of revascularisation

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    9. -

      Assessing the clinical utility of on-table tissue oxygen monitoring for endovascular revascularisation procedures

        Marianne Brodmann
    10. -

      Case reviews of tissue oxygen monitoring during endovascular revascularisation: experience at Dendermonde

        Koen Deloose
    11. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Special course for nurses and technicians: Current concepts and new approaches in endovascular interventions. Step-by-step review of techniques and data by leading interventional experts

    Ralf Langhoff, Michel Bosiers

    2. -

      Optimal imaging for procedural planning and guidance of procedures

        Giovanni Federico Torsello
    3. -

      How to deal with difficult aortic necks – the interventional armamentarium

        Konstantinos Donas
    4. -

      Branched endografts for thoracoabdominal aneurysms

        Marc van Sambeek
    5. -

      Management of ruptured aortic aneurysms

    6. -

      Radiation protection during endovascular procedures – focus on the eye lens

        Alexander Gangl

    8. -

      Iliac vein recanalization: When and how?

        Oliver Schlager
    9. -

      Venous ulcers: The role of interventions in the venous system

        Raghu Kolluri

    11. -

      Principles of embolization techniques for bleeding, endoleaks and beyond

        Andrew Holden
    12. -

      Coil embolization before EVAR and TEVAR: What is the rationale?

        Daniela Branzan, Via satellite from Leipzig cathlab
    13. -

      Discussion and conclusion

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