PAOD Rutherford class 4, claudication right calf, walking capacity 50 m, restpain during night, ABI right 0.52, EVAR and stenting right renal artery 11/2018, chronic pancreatitis
Failed recanalization attempt right popliteal 12/18 elsewhere
Information will follow in due time. Thank you for your understanding.
Room 2 - Main Arena 2
Case 39 – Live case from Münster
Case 39 – Live case from Münster
Information will follow in due time. Thank you for your understanding.
Room 1 - Main Arena 1
Case 30 – CLI with CTO BTK left
Leipzig, Dept. of Angiology
Case 30 – LEI 10: female, 79 years (G-H)
Sven Bräunlich,
Andrej Schmidt
Critical limb ischemia both lower legs with chronic ulcerations, Rutherford class 5
ABI left 0.34, ABI right 0.45
Recanalization right peroneal artery 01/07/2018
PTA SFA/popliteal artery left and PTA anterior tibial right 11/2018
Amputation forefoot left
Amputation D1 right
Diabetes mellitus type 2 with diabetic neuropathy, arterial hypertension, chronic renal impairment
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Antegrade approach left groin
- 6F 55 cm sheath (COOK) 2. Guidewire-passage anterior/posterior tibial
- 0.014“ Command (ABBOTT)
- 0.014“ PT2 Guidewire 300 cm (BOSTON SCIENTIFIC)
- In case of failure: retrograde approach 3. PTA
- Vessel preparation – scoring balloon (VascuTrak, BARD)
- Lutonix BTK DCB (BARD) 4. In case of dissections after DCB, provisional placement of nitinol „tacks“
- Tack Endovascular System (Intact Vascular)
Case 45 – Selective internal radiation therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma
Case 45 – JEN 01: male, 63 years (D-J)
René Aschenbach,
S. Witting,
R. Drescher
HCC Stage IIIa (pT3 Nx M0) 6/18
Atypical segmentectomy segment III 6/18
cTACE performed in referring hospital
Multifocal HCC in both liver lobes
Primary outside MILAN
Universal liver tumor board waived sequential SIRT, starting right
Evaluation showed a 2.5% shunt to the lung and estimated dose of 2.5GBq for Therasphere (BTG)
No extrahepatic deposition of radioactivity in test-dose
Information will follow in due time. Thank you for your understanding.
Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange
Case 54 – Long occlusion of the left popliteal artery
Leipzig, Dept. of Angiology
Case 54 – LEI 18: female, 67 years (B-U)
Sven Bräunlich,
Johannes Schuster
PAOD Rutherford 3, claudication left calf, walking capacity 30 m
ABI left 0.3
Arterial hypertension, current smoker, hypelipidemia
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Right groin cross-over approach
- Judkins Right 5F diagnostic catheter (CORDIS/CARDINAL HEALTH)
- 0,035“ SupraCore guidewire 30 cm (ABBOTT)
- 6F 55 cm Balkin Up&Over sheath (COOK) 2. Guidewire passage of the occlusion and PTA with DCBs
- 0.014“ Command ES guidewire, 300 cm (ABBOTT)
- 0.018“ 90 cm Seeker support catheter (BARD)
- 0.014“ Ultraverse balloon (BARD)
- Lutonix-BTK DCB (BARD) 3. In case of dissections after DCB, provisional placement of nitinol „tacks“
- Tack Endovascular System (INTACT VASCULAR)
Case 46 – Transarterial chemoembolization with drug-eluting-beads (DEB-TACE) in hepatocellular carcinom
Case 46 – JEN 02: female, 58 years (H-L)
René Aschenbach,
S. Witting
Differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (G1)
Liver cirrhosis CHILD A
Chronische hepatitis
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Right groin retrograde access
- 0.035‘‘ EMERALD guidewire 150 cm (CORDIS)
- 5F 10 cm Radiofocus Introducer II sheath (TERUMO) 2. Placement of diagnostic catheter in main hepatic artery
- 0.035‘‘ Radiofocus angled guidewire, 180 cm (TERUMO)
- Diagnostic catheter Cobra 4, 4F 0.035‘‘, 100 cm (CORDIS) 3. Placement of microcatheter in right hepatic artery
- Progreat 2.7F (TERUMO)
- alternative wire: Cirrus 14‘ (COOK) 4. Superselective placement of microcatheter in feeding artery 5. Embolization
- 40μm Embozene-Tandem (BOSTON SCIENTIFIC) loaded with 150 mg Doxorubicin till stasis 6. If still perfusion after administration of the whole 3ml Embozene Tandem 40μm then additional embolization with blande microparticals Embozene 400μm till stasis is reached 7. Control angiography 8. Puncture site occlusion
- Vascular closure device Exoseal (CORDIS) and pressure dressing
Information will follow in due time. Thank you for your understanding.
Room 1 - Main Arena 1
Case 32 – BTK intervention Orbital atherectomy system (360° Stealth, CSI
Case 32 – MUN 01: male, 69 years (A-S)
Arne Schwindt,
Konstantinos Donas
CAD, PTCA 2015, art. hypertension, PAD, COPD, calf claudication on the left side after 50 m with progress
Subtotal occlusion with calcification of the popliteal artery
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Percutaneous approach from the contralateral femoral artery 2. Use of 6F 45 cm long sheath with placement in the external iliac artery 3. Recanalisation of the subtotal occlusion of the popliteal artery 4. Use of the orbital atherectomy system (360°, Stealth) CSI as lithoplasty option of the severe calcified lesion to prepare the vessel 5. Use of a DCB balloon 6. Closure of the groin with Angioseal 6F system
Case 42 – 4-CMD-BEVAR for a thoracoabdominal aneurysm type 4 –
Bridging stentgrafts: VBX
Case 42 – MUN 03: male, 81 years (F-E)
Martin Austermann,
Michel Bosiers,
S. Mühlenhöfer
Art. hypertension, CAD, deep vein thrombosis and LE 10/2018, prostate carcinoma 2014 healed
Incidental finding of the aneurysm during therapy of the LE
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Left axillary access 5F sheath via cut down 2. Percutanous approach both groins (Prostar XL, ABBOTT)
14F (COOK) both groins 3. Lunderquist wire through the right groin
Pig tail catheter through the left groin for imaging
Registration of the Fusion technology 4. Placement of the CMD-branched-endograft (COOK) with 4 branches by using the Fusion system 5. Placement of the bifurcated graft: Unibody (COOK) and the iliac extensions
Then closure of the groins to avoid paraplegia 6. Connection of all targetvessels through the corresponding branches using Viabahn BX (GORE) from above 7. Closure of the axillary access
Case 35 – Severe, asymptomatic left internal carotid artery stenosis
Case 35 – COL 01: 71 years (W-M)
Michael Jolly,
Gary Ansel
Yearly carotid artery surveillance given diffuse vascular disease.
Asymptomatic patient with progressive LICA disease over past year.
On optimal medical therapy (ASA, clopidogrel, atorvastatin 80 mg, losartan 100 mg).
Pt unwilling to undergo carotid surgery
Case 49 – Prostatic artery embolization for symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia
Case 49 – JEN 03: male, 58 years (M-K)
Tobias Franiel,
F. Bürckenmeyer
Prostatic volume 80 ml
Negative TRUST-guided systematic biopsy due to increased PSA 6.0
IPSS: 19 (0-35), QoL: 3 (0-6), Qmax: 13.0 ml/s with voided volume of 160 ml
IIEF-5: 15 (1-25)
Arterial hypertension
Post void residual urine of 100ml
Lower urinary tract symptoms due to BPH (confirmed by urology department)
No successful medication therapy for more than 6 month, refusing operative therapy
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Right groin access
- ST. JUDE (ABBOTT) 2. Placement of coaxial catheter in distal aorta
- RIM 4F (CORDIS) or alternative (MERRIT Medical)
- Alternative wire: Cirrus 14“ (COOK) 3. Large-FOV-dyna CT for determination of anatomy and origins of the prostatic arteries 4. Placement of microcatheter in the left prostatic artery for embolization
- Progreat 2.7F (TERUMO), alternative: Progreat 2.0F alpha (TERUMO), alternative SwiftNinja (MERRIT Medical)
- Embozene 250 μm (BOSTON SCIENTIFIC), alternative: 400 μm (BOSTON SCIENTIFIC) 5. Placement of the microcatheter in the right prostatic artery for embolization
- Progreat 2.7F (TERUMO), alternative: Progreat 2.0F alpha (TERUMO), alternative SwiftNinja (MERRIT Medical)
- Embozene 250 μm (BOSTON SCIENTIFIC)
Room 3 - Technical Forum
Case 50 – Live case from Frankfurt/Main
Case 50 – Live case from Frankfurt/Main
Information will follow in due time. Thank you for your understanding.
Room 1 - Main Arena 1
Case 36 – Live case from Columbus
Case 36 – Live case from Columbus
Information will follow in due time. Thank you for your understanding.
Room 1 - Main Arena 1
Case 37 – Live case from Leipzig
Leipzig, Dept. of Angiology
Case 37 – Live case from Leipzig
Information will follow in due time. Thank you for your understanding.
Room 2 - Main Arena 2
Case 43 – Double Chimney EVAR in order to extent a existing bifurcated endograft with insufficiant proximal sealing and growing aneurysm
Case 43 – MUN 04: male, 82 years (W-K)
Martin Austermann,
E. Beropoulis,
S. Mühlenhöfer
CAD, MI and PTCA 2007, art. hypertension
Previous Onyx Embolization of type2 EL‘s
Still growing aneurysm
Degeneration of the aneurysm neck with loss of sealing
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Cut down left axillary artery and double puncture 2. Placement of two 7F Shuttle sheaths from above 3. Percutanous approach right groin Prostar XL 10F (ABBOTT)
Placement of 14F sheaths (COOK)
Puncture of the left groin for imaging through a 5F sheath 4. Cannulation of both renal arteries from above 5. Placement of the Endurant aortic extension ETCF 36 36 C 49 (MEDTRONIC) 6. Placement of the Chimney stent-grafts in both renal arteries: Advanta V12 (Getinge) 7. Closure of the accesses
Information will follow in due time. Thank you for your understanding.
Room 1 - Main Arena 1
Case 38 – Instent restenosis case
Case 38 – COL 03: male, 58 years
Mitchell Silver,
Michael Jolly,
Christopher Huff,
Gary Ansel
Pt with 4 year history of PAD, s/p multiple interventions of the iliac, femoropopliteal and tibial vessels for claudication and previous critical limb Ischemia. Originally treated multilevel for left foot ulceration in 2015, restenosis of iliacs treated wtih stent grafts, SFA occlusion attempted to be treated with cilostazol but no effect at 3 months. Now s/p Super stent in 2015 that occluded, treated with DCB and proximal DES extension in 2017. Now with recurrent RC II claudication and duplex scan with restenosis
ABI R: .96 and L: .88
DM II, CAD, HTN, hyperlipidemia, past smoker
Peak velocity of 343 within the stent
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Contralateral femoral access 2. Placement of 7F or 8F braided sheath 3. Excimer Laser debulking 4. Hig pressure PTA 5. If good result DCB, if poor result consider DES 6. Suture based sheath removal
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