Case 55 – Severely calcified occlusion of right popliteal artery
Leipzig, Dept. of Angiology
Case 55 – LEI 20: male, 65 years (R-B)
Andrej Schmidt,
Matthias Ulrich
- PAD Rutherford 4 right, rest pain at night, walking capacity 10 m
- Femoro-popliteal bypass right 2008 and recurrent reocclusion 2017 (11/17)
- Failed recanalization attempt of the right popliteal 01/18
Former smoker, arterial hypertension, renal impairement, atrial fibrillation
Occluded femoro-popliteal bypass right and severly calcified popliteal occlusion right
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Antegrade access right groin
- 6F 90 cm Check-Flow Performer (COOK MEDICAL) 2. Antegrade guidewire passage
in casse of failure retrograde approach via the anterior tibial artery
- 2.9F sheath (pedal puncture set) (COOK)
- 0.014" CTO-Approach 25 gramm guidewire, 300 cm (COOK)
- 0.018" CXI support catheter 90 cm (COOK)
- Advance Micro-Balloon 3.0/120 mm, 90 cm (COOK) 3. PTA of the popliteal artery occlusion
- Pacific Plus 4.0/40 mm balloon, 90 cm (MEDTRONIC) 4. Stenting
- 5.0/100 mm Supera Interwoven Self-expanding Nitinol stent (ABBOTT)
Case 74 – Recanalisation of a chronic CIA CTO and stenting of bilateral IIA stenoses
Bad Krozingen
Case 74 – BK 03: male, 62 years (FG)
Thomas Zeller
- PAOD Fontaine IIb, Rutherford 3
- Recanalisation right SFA and proximal popliteal artery 12/2017
- Recanalisation right popliteal and posterior tibial arteries 06/2014
- Persistant CTO left CIA and bilateral IIA stenoses
- Buttock, thigh and calf claudicatio left side
- ABI: 0.8 / 0.4
- MRA 2014: CTO of left CIA, high grade stenosis of bilateral IIA
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Bilateral retrograde femoral access
- Right side 45 cm, left side 11 cm 2. First crossing approach from contralateral side
- 6F IMA- or 5 F SOS-catheter 3. Additional retrograde crossing attempt in order to avoid impacting the left IIA origin (CART technique) 4. Predilatation of left CIA 5. Stent implantation left CIA 6. Stent implantation left IIA (right side on indication)
Right foot: 3c TUC I°toe and 2c Tuc 2° and 3°
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. US guided antegrade 6F 11 cm sheath 2. CO2 angiography 3. 4F Ber and V18 gw antegrade intraluminal recanalization attempt of pedal through AT 4. Second 0,014" gw in PT and lateral plantar artery antegrade recanalization attempt; retrograde distal PT if failure 5. POBA, Jetstream atherectomy (BOSTON SCIENTIFIC), Ranger DEB (BOSTON SCIENTIFIC) discussion 6. US closure device deployment (6F Angio-Seal)
Case 68 – Progressive descending thoracic aortic aneurysm
Leipzig, Dept. of Angiology
Case 68 – LEI 27: male, 72 years (L-J)
Andrej Schmidt,
Daniela Branzan,
Chang Shu
- Progressive thoracic AAA (max. diameter 67mm)
- Coiling of intercostal arteries to reduce the risk of spinal cord ischemia during TEVAR in two sessions (3 arteries)
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Bilateral femoral access
- Preloading of Proglide-Systems right (ABBOTT) 2. Positioning of guidewire
- LunderQuist 0.035" 260 cm (COOK) 3. Implantation of 2 thoracic stentgrafts
- Ankura thoracic graft (LIFE TECH)
- Stengraft from left subclavian artery to the celiac trunk
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Bilateral cervicotomy 2. Percutaneous access R and L CFA with Proglide systems; 100UI/kg Heparin (Target ACT>300) 3. L: Dilatators up to 22F + advance branched endograft to the arch 4. Aortography + fusion fine tuning 5. Branched endograft deployment under rapid pacing (COOK) 6. From RCCA, access to the Inominate branch + deployment of the bridging stent 7. From LCCA, access to the carotid branch + deployment of the bridging stent 8. From the groin, access to the LSCA branch + artery + deployment of the bridging stent 9. Completion angiography + non injected CBCT 10. Close access sites
Case 76 – Combined antegrade and retrograde recanalisation attempt of chronic calcified PTA & ATA occlusions left leg
Bad Krozingen
Case 76 – BK 04: female, 81 years (G-E)
Thomas Zeller
- PAOD Fontaine IV, Rutherford 5 left leg
- Chronic bilateral venous insufficiency
- Intermittant atrial fibrillation
- Unsuccessful recanalisation attempt of left PTA and ATA 04/2017
- Chronic kidney diseases NKF III - IV (GFR 23–35 ml/min)
Case 70 – EVAR for a AAA with a hostile neck using endoanchors and chimney for the RRA
Case 70 – MUN 04: male, 77 years (S-L)
Martin Austermann,
Marc Bosiers,
Konstantinos Stavroulakis
- Art. hypertension
- Diab. mell. II
- CAD - PTCA 1998 and 2015
- Hostile abdomen, obesity
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Percutanous approach both groins
- Prostar XL (ABBOTT)
- Placement of 14F sheath (COOK) 2. Cut down left axillary artery and cannulation of the right renal artery; Placement of a 7F sheath in the RRA 3. Placement of Endurant bifurcated endograft (MEDTRONIC) just below the left RA 4. Implantation of the Chimneygraft in the RRA from above 5. Additional fixation of the proximal sealing zone with Heli-FX Endoanchors (MEDTRONIC) 6. Closure of the groin
- Prostar XL (ABBOTT) 7. Closure of the axillary access
Case 78 – Calcified CTO of the left SFA and popliteal artery
Leipzig, Dept. of Angiology
Case 78 – LEI 30: male, 54 years (S-K)
Andrej Schmidt,
Matthias Ulrich
- PAOD Rutherford 3 left, painfree walking distance 150 m
- PTA/ stent of the right SFA 11/2017
- Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (vascular, ocular and cerebral affection)
- ABI right: 0.8; left: 0.3
- PTA/ stenting right SFA 11/2017
During PTA right 11/17: occlusion of the left SFA and popliteal artery
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Right groin retrograde and cross-over approach
- IMA 5F diagnostic catheter (CORDIS/CARDINAL HEALTH)
- 0.035" soft angled Radiofocus guidewire, 190 cm (TERUMO)
- 0.035" SupraCore guidewire 190 cm (ABBOTT)
- 7F 55 Check-Flo Performer Sheath, Raabe Modification (COOK) 2. Antegrade guidewire passage
- 0.035" Stiff angled Glidewire, 260 cm (TERUMO)
- CXC 0.035" support catheter, 135 cm (COOK) 3. Retrograde guidewire passage
Access via the peroneal artery:
- 7 cm 21 Gauge needle (COOK)
- 0.018" V-18 Control guidewire, 300 cm (BOSTON SCIENTIFIC)
- 4F-10 cm Radiofocus Introducer (TERUMO)
- Pacific Plus 4.0/40 mm balloon, 90 cm (MEDTRONIC) 4. PTA and stenting
- 6.0/20 mm Admiral Xtreme balloon (MEDTRONIC)
- 7.0/20 Conquest non-compliant high pressure balloon (BARD)
- In case of inability to open the balloons fully implantation of a Viabahn 7.0/100 mm (GORE)
- Relining with Supera Interwoven Nitinol stent (ABBOTT)
Case 78b – Calcified CTO of the left SFA and popliteal artery
Leipzig, Dept. of Angiology
Case 78b – LEI 30b: male, 54 years (S-K)
- PAOD Rutherford 3 left, painfree walking distance 150 m
- PTA/ stent of the right SFA 11/2017
- Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (vascular, ocular and cerebral affection)
- ABI right: 0.8; left: 0.3
- PTA/ stenting right SFA 11/2017
During PTA right 11/17: occlusion of the left SFA and popliteal artery
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Right groin retrograde and cross-over approach
- IMA 5F diagnostic catheter (CORDIS/CARDINAL HEALTH)
- 0.035" soft angled Radiofocus guidewire, 190 cm (TERUMO)
- 0.035" SupraCore guidewire 190 cm (ABBOTT)
- 7F 55 Check-Flo Performer Sheath, Raabe Modification (COOK) 2. Antegrade guidewire passage
- 0.035" Stiff angled Glidewire, 260 cm (TERUMO)
- CXC 0.035" support catheter, 135 cm (COOK) 3. Retrograde guidewire passage
Access via the peroneal artery:
- 7 cm 21 Gauge needle (COOK)
- 0.018" V-18 Control guidewire, 300 cm (BOSTON SCIENTIFIC)
- 4F-10 cm Radiofocus Introducer (TERUMO)
- Pacific Plus 4.0/40 mm balloon, 90 cm (MEDTRONIC) 4. PTA and stenting
- 6.0/20 mm Admiral Xtreme balloon (MEDTRONIC)
- 7.0/20 Conquest non-compliant high pressure balloon (BARD)
- In case of inability to open the balloons fully implantation of a Viabahn 7.0/100 mm (GORE)
- Relining with Supera Interwoven Nitinol stent (ABBOTT)
Room 3 - Technical Forum
Case 79 – Critical limb ischemia left, complex BTK CTOs
Abano Terme
Case 79 – ABT 03: male, 78 years (P-A)
Marco Manzi,
Luis Mariano Palena,
Cesare Brigato
DM, dyalisis, kidney transplant, ischemic heart disease
Bilateral CLI with left toes gangrenes
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Retrograde access right CFA
- 6F long sheath deployment and retrograde left P3 puncture + 6F 11 cm sheath 2. Presto technique for SFA and popliteal artery
- Balloon P3 aemosthasis 3. Antegrade BTK and BTA reacanalization attempt 4. Discussion for debulking and DEB 5. Closure device
Case 71 – TEVAR with the new GORE TAG Conformable Stent Graft with active control system for a 62 mm TAA
Case 71 – MUN 05: male, 78 years, (K-G)
Martin Austermann,
Michel Bosiers
Art. hypertension, PAD
62 mm thoracic aneuysm with a penetrating ulcer and a small AAA 41 mm in diameter
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Percutanous approach both groins
- 5F sheath left groin
- Prostar XL (ABBOTT) right groin
- Placement of 14F later 24F Dry-Seal-sheath (GORE) through the right groin 2. Implantation of the GORE C-TAG endograft with the active control system step by step 3. Positioning of the graft and deploiment up to 50% diameter 4. Agiography, correction of the graftposition and the C-arm angulation, if necessary angulation of the graft 5. Complete deploiment of the graft and possibly some more angulation in order to achieve ideal wall apposition 6. Final angiography, if needed post-dilation 7. Closure of the groin
- Right groin: Prostar XL (ABBOTT)
- Left groin: Angioseal (ST. JUDE)
- PAOD Rutherford 3
- Severe claudication right calf, walking capacity 50 meters
- Recanalisation, rtPA-thrombolysis and stent implantation right prox-dist SFA 04/2011
- Recanalisation and stent implantation right distal SFA 11/2004
- Fogarty thrombectomy right distal SFA 2004
- Testicular cancer, semicastratio and radio-chemotherapy 2003-2004
- ABI: right 0.6 after excercise test 0.4
Nicotine abuse (25 PY) to 2006, hypercholertinemia
Long instent reocclusion of right SFA
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Left femoral retrograde and cross over approach
- 6F 45 cm sheath 2. 0.035" or 0.018" Terumo GW, supported by vertebral catheter, 5F 3. Rotarex thrombectomy
- 6F (STRAUB MEDICAL) 4. Predilatation on indication (Cutting balloon) 5. Drug-coated balloon angioplasty
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Left groin antegrade approach
- 6F 55 cm Flexor Check-Flo Sheath, Raabe Modification (COOK) 2. Guidewire passage, second attempt from antegarde
- 0.014" CTO Approach 25 gramm 300 cm (COOK)
- 0.018" CXI support catheter, 90 cm (COOK)
In case of failure of guidewire passage from antegrade: 3. Retrograde approach via the distal anterior tibial artery and PTA
- 2.9F sheath (pedal puncture set) (COOK)
- 0.014" Hydro-ST 300 cm guidewire (COOK)
- 0.014" CTO-Approach 25 gramm guidewire, 300 cm (COOK)
- 0.018" CXI support catheter 90 cm (COOK)
- Advance 3.0/120 mm, 90 cm (COOK) 4. PTA of the popliteal artery
- Advance LP balloon 0.018" (3, 4, 5 mm) (COOK)
- POAD Rutherford 5, Dig. I ulceration left, restpain at night, walking capacity 20 m, ABI left 0.4
- PTA/stenting left SFA and left ATA 05/17
- CAD, CABG 2013
Arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, hyperlipidemia
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Left groin antegrade approach
- 6F 55 cm Flexor Check-Flo Introducer, Raabe Modifcation (COOK) 2. Guidewire-passage from antegrade
In case of failure retrograde approach via dorsal pedal artery:
- 2.9F sheath (pedal puncture set) (COOK)
- 0.014" CTO-Approach Hydro guidewire, 300 cm (COOK)
- 0.018" CXI support catheter 90 cm (COOK)
- Advance Micro-Balloon 3.0/120 mm, 90 cm (COOK) 3. In case of failure antegrade approach via posterior tibial artery
- 0.018" Command 18 guidewire, 300 cm (ABBOTT)
- 0.018" Quick-Cross support catheter (SPECTRANETICS-PHILIPS) 4. PTA
- 2.5/100 m Amphirion Deep ballon catheter (MEDTRONIC)
Case 82 – AT and PT recanalization with BTA intervention
Abano Terme
Case 82 – ABT 04: male, 65 years (L-G)
Marco Manzi,
Luis Mariano Palena,
Cesare Brigato
DM, hypertension
- Right CLI in previous 2°-3°-4°-5° amputation
- plantar 2CTUC
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. US guided antegrade Right CFA puncture and 6F 11 cm sheath deployment 2. CO2 angiography 3. Antegrade AT recanalization (V18 cw + 4F BER2) antegrade lateral plantar and arch recanalization (0,014 Command) 4. Discussion for DEB/POBA 5. US guided closure device deployment (Angio-Seal)
Case 72 – Type IV thoraco abdominal aneurysm – 5-vessel FEVAR
Case 72 – PAR 04: male, 71 years (J-P-H)
Stéphan Haulon
No medical history
Smoking, hypertension
Type IV abdominal aneurysm/ 2 right renal arteries/ inferior mesenteric artery > 4 mm
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Percutaneous access R and L CFA with Proglide systems 2. Inferior mesenteric artery embolization with 6 mm Amplatzer; 100UI/kg Heparin (Target ACT>250) 3. L: 20F 25cm sheath in the LCFA over Lunderquist –Valve puncture with 6F and 7F 55cm + Pigtail angio catheter 4. R: Dilatators up to 20F + insertion of fenestrated endograft 5. Aortic angiogram/ Fusion registration/ FEVAR deployment (COOK) 6. Access target vessels through fenestrations 7. Bridging stents deployment 8. Bifurcated component deployment 9. Coda inflation at overlap 10. Completion aortography + non injected CBCT
Case 67 – Occlusion right SFA after CEA right groin, flush-occlusion
Leipzig, Dept. of Angiology
Case 67 – LEI 26: male, 64 years (N-M)
Andrej Schmidt,
Johannes Schuster
- Chronic critical limb ischemia right forefoot, severe claudication right calf
- Rutherford class 5, ABI right 0.46
- PTA/stent of left SFA 12/2017, failed antegrade recanalisation attempt 01/2018 right
- TEA right groin 8/2017 and left 11/2017
- CAD, PTCA 2004
Diabetes mellitus type 2, art. hypertension, hyperlipidemia, former smoker
PROCEDURAL STEPS 1. Left groin retrograde and cross-over approach
- IMA-diagnostic 5F catheter (CORDIS/ CARDINAL HEALTH)
- 0.035" angled soft Radiofocus guidewire, 190 cm (TERUMO)
- 0.035" SupraCore guidewire, 190 cm (ABBOTT)
- 7F Balkin Up&Over sheath, 40 cm (COOK) 2. Right SFA CTO puncture
- 18 Gauge 7 cm needle
- 0.035" stiff angled Glidewire, 190 cm (TERUMO)
- 6F – 10 cm Radiofocus-Introducer (TERUMO) 3. Passage of the CTO
Retrograde passage into the right CFA:
- Pioneer-Plus Reentry-system (philips)
- 0.014" Floppy ES guidewire, 300 cm (ABBOTT)
- Snaring of the retrograde guidewire into the the cross-over sheath 4. PTA/stenting
- Armada 35 5.0/100 mm balloon (ABBOTT)
- Distal and proximal: Zilver PTX-DES (COOK)
- SFA-ostium: Viabahn 7.0/250 mm (GORE)
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