At LINC 2017 we offered the opportunity to submit abstracts of scientific work, as well as challenging cases and complications. The accepted abstracts were presented as electronic posters during LINC 2017.
The presenting authors gave a five minute oral presentation which was judged by an international and multidisciplinary jury.
The multidisciplinary and international jury chose the poster on:
“Optimisation of the Philips AlluraXper FD20 imaging setting allows to halve the radiation dose during lower limb revascularization procedures” of Dr. Andrea Discalzi, Italy, as the winner for this year‘s award.
The multidisciplinary and international jury chose the case on:
“Unrecognised iatrogenic abdominal aortic dissection with iliac stent implanted subintimally – what to do?” of Dr. Dimitar Nikolov, Bulgaria, as the winner for this year‘s award.